“Comic Con Baltics” contributes to the popular culture event “Anime Nights” organized by the student representation of the Faculty of Informatics of the Kaunas University of Technology

“Comic Con Baltics” contributes to the popular culture event “Anime Nights” organized by the student representation of the Faculty of Informatics of the Kaunas University of Technology

“Comic Con Baltics” is an annual popular culture event that takes place in Vilnius and gathers more than 25,5 thousand fans of movies, TV series, games, comics and others in one place. This is the largest event of its kind in the Baltic countries, which aims to increase the awareness of pop culture in society – it invites you to interact with famous actors from movies and TV series, meet comic creators, participate in various seminars, etc.

However, “Comic Con Baltics” does not stop at its own event – the organizers also contribute to the popularization of popular culture in other ways. One of them is to support events organized by students, such as “Anime Nights”, organized by Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) Faculty of Informatics Student Representation (SA).

According to the representative of the event organized by KTU Faculty of Informatics SA, Rokas Stadalius, the “Comic Con Baltics” and “Anime Nights” events are very similar in nature. The student-initiated event brings an opportunity for geeks and students interested in Japanese culture to spend time together and share their thoughts or experiences. During the event, participants watch Japanese anime, participate in various contests and try other activities offered during the event.

“Among students, we see an increasing interest in popular culture and a desire to share it with others. More and more events are being organized in universities that bring together like-minded people and create a strong sense of community, so we are happy to support such events,” says Tomas Vievesis, one of the organizers of “Comic Con Baltics”.

The organizers of “Anime Nights” thank “Comic Con Baltics” for their support

R. Stadalius, the representative of the event organized by the Student Representation of KTU Faculty of Informatics, sincerely thanks “Comic Con Baltics” for the support provided. “We are glad that our event does not go unnoticed even by one of the biggest pop culture event organizers. I hope that our cooperation will continue to mature in the future. We sincerely thank the organizers of “Comic Con Baltics” for their expressed desire to support our event”. According to him, this encourages improvement and continues to work for the benefit of students.

Currently, “Comic Con Baltics” has contributed to two Asian cultural events “Anime Nights” and the “ATSIbusk” project organized by the Institute of Asian and Transcultural Studies at the Faculty of Philosophy of Vilnius University. The organizers of the pop culture event also provided support to the event “Night to Unite” by Vilnius Tech University and for the “National Student Brainstorm” organized by ISM SA.

“We are happy to see such active and creative young people who have been organizing events for the benefit of students and others for many years. We want to support and contribute to these initiatives and the aspiration to create an interesting and meaningful experience for everyone,” says T. Vievesis.

“Anime Nights” will occur for the 18th time

The event “Anime Nights”, which started in 2005 and has become an annual tradition, organized by the student representation of the Faculty of Informatics of the Kaunas University of Technology, will take place for the 18th time.

The purpose of the event is to bring together all people interested in Anime culture and spend time together, watching Japanese cartoons of various genres at night, and during the day participating in and watching the now-traditional Cosplay and AMV contests, listening to interesting lectures about Japanese culture and spend time doing other activities like quizzes, video and board games, creative workshops and many more activities.

Anime Nights’23 will take place in 2023. May 5-7, KTU Santakos Slėnis.

  • More information: https://fb.me/e/5AGi7YpzM
  • Event Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnimeNights/
  • Event Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/animenights.info/