7 Little-Known Facts About the “Harry Potter” Film Saga

7 Little-Known Facts About the “Harry Potter” Film Saga

For over 20 years, the magical “Harry Potter” saga has been unfolding on the big and small screens. However, even the biggest fans aren’t always familiar with the behind-the-scenes of the films. Check to see what level of Potterhead you are!

Did you know?

  1. Only actor Alan Rickman knew Snape’s secret

    Actor Alan Rickman, who portrayed Hogwarts professor Severus Snape, kept a secret about his character for many years. When the filming of the first “Harry Potter” movie began, J.K. Rowling had only released four books, and no one, except her and Alan Rickman, even guessed that Snape wasn’t just a villainous, gloomy teacher. Later, the author revealed that she shared the secret about the character’s arc with the actor to help him better understand the depth of the character.
  2. Only 14 actors appeared in all the films

    Although over 150 various actors appeared in the “Harry Potter” film series, only 14 actors appeared in all eight films. Among them are the actors who portrayed the main characters – Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, and Emma Watson. Additionally, Matthew Lewis, Thomas Felton, Bonnie Wright, Robbie Coltrane, Alan Rickman, Warwick Davis, Josh Herdman, Geraldine Somerville, James and Oliver Phelps, and Devon Murray, who will be visiting fans in Lithuania this spring.
  3. The thickest book – the longest movie?

    Interestingly, the “Harry Potter” movies and books are not proportionally matched. The fifth book in the series, “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix,” is the thickest, consisting of 736 pages, but its film adaptation is only 138 minutes long. Compared to other films, this is one of the shortest parts of the saga.
  4. The magical number seven

    Since ancient times, the number seven has been considered magical. The author of the “Harry Potter” books, J.K. Rowling, also gave special significance to this number. So, the next time you watch one of the films, count how many significant sevens you notice. Here are a few to get you started – seven of Voldemort’s Horcruxes, seven snakes on the Chamber of Secrets door, seven years at Hogwarts, seven players in Quidditch, seven children in the Weasley family.
  5. How old was Moaning Myrtle?

    Undoubtedly, one of the most prominent secondary characters in the second part of the saga is Moaning Myrtle. She is a Hogwarts student who was killed when the Chamber of Secrets was first opened. Since then, Myrtle has been haunting and moaning in Hogwarts, specifically in the second-floor girls’ bathroom. Interestingly, actress Shirley Henderson, who portrayed the fourteen-year-old Myrtle in the film “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” was actually 36 years old at the time!
  6. Hedwig and the 7 owls

    The famous snowy white owl, Harry Potter’s pet, Hedwig, was played not by one or two but by seven owls. The owls named Gizmo, Kasper, Oops, Swoops, Oh Oh, Elmo, and Bandit took turns portraying Hedwig. While many fans shed a tear when Harry’s beloved pet sacrificed herself trying to protect him from Death Eaters, the owl that played this role happily lives to this day in a zoo near Tokyo, Japan.
  7. 160 glasses and 6000 scars

    Round glasses, lightning-shaped scar, and a wizard’s wand – attributes without which Harry Potter cannot be imagined today. However, can you believe that during filming, Daniel Radcliffe went through as many as 160 different pairs of glasses, and the famous scar on the actor’s face was drawn almost 6,000 times?

Stars from the “Harry Potter” films in Lithuania

Prominent names from the “Harry Potter” film series have visited Lithuania more than once. In 2017, Josh Herdman, who portrayed Gregory Goyle, visited Vilnius, and after five years, Anna Shaffer, who portrayed the charming and lively Gryffindor student Romilda Vane in the film “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince,” came to Lithuania. Both actors visited the largest pop culture event in the Baltic countries – “Comic Con Baltics”.

This spring, on May 25-26 in Vilnius, at “LITEXPO”, during the event, Potterheads will be greeted with even more exciting news. Two actors from the “Harry Potter” film series are planning to visit “Comic Con Baltics 2024”. They are Devon Murray, who portrayed Seamus Finnigan in all eight film parts, and Natalia Tena, who played Nymphadora Tonks.

Along with the “Harry Potter” actors, the event will also feature Sean Gunn, famous for his role in the “Guardians of the Galaxy” films, well-known internet content creators, popular cosplay performers, and other famous names.
